WOW! 1940's/1950's BAKELITE BALL CHARM BRACELET (Sorry this item is sold)
This great bracelet has kitsch charm, if you will excuse the pun! The chain bracelet is made of brass and measures just 7 inches in length, including the bolt ring clasp which secures it. Suspended on the brass chain are six realistic sports balls and they look just like they would have done in the past! Each one is a nice caramel colour and they are two sizes with the end ones being approx half an inch in diameter and the four middle ones being almost three quarters of an inch in diameter. They have been deep scored to four sections with a panel which represents the stitched up part of this type of old leather ball! They have the feel of "American High School" maybe a gift for a cheerleader? This unusual bracelet is so wearable and is just the sort of thing that bakelite collectors adore.