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Swan Buckle - 1940s Half Buckle in Green - Dress Buckle Accessory (SOLD)

 Bakelite era jewellery is becoming more sought after than ever and this fabulous half buckle has great appeal.  Made from Casein, the base is in a mottled Jade effect green with a deep carved Swan in antique ivory colour plastic.  There is great attention to detail and the half buckle is further enhanced with a hand carved edge.  Dating from the 1930s - 1940s Art Deco era this half buckle would originally have had a mirror image as its other half to make a real statement.  Sadly I just have this one piece of the buckle but it is gorgeous.  It would lend itself to a jewellery making project - maybe threaded up with some bright green bakelite beads to make a pendant.  It could also be used as a 'sew on' for a hat or lapel. The Swan half buckle is a good size, it measures 5.5 cms by 7.5 cms at its widest parts.  To the revese there are two white metal bars screwed in place - one would have held the buckle clip and the other would have retained the fabric of a belt.  This fabulous faux ivory and faux jade swan half buckle would make a superb addition to a collection of carved bakelite jewellery.
Swan Buckle - 1940s Half Buckle in Green - Dress Buckle Accessory (SOLD)
Swan Buckle - 1940s Half Buckle in Green - Dress Buckle Accessory (SOLD) Swan Buckle - 1940s Half Buckle in Green - Dress Buckle Accessory (SOLD) Swan Buckle - 1940s Half Buckle in Green - Dress Buckle Accessory (SOLD) Swan Buckle - 1940s Half Buckle in Green - Dress Buckle Accessory (SOLD)

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