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Pearly 1950s Hair Clip - Pearl Lucite with Golden Greek Key Design - French Vintage Hair Accessory


Here is a Fab orginal 1950s hair slide or barrette hair clip unused on its original sales card.  This is what is known in the antiques trade as “new old stock”. The card is marked Coiffure Elegant  Fait Main  ( which translates as hand made) and Made in France.  This vintage hair accessory is made from the early plastic lucite and it is in a mother of pearl effect creamy white colour with a golden Greek Key  inlay which has been etched across the middle of the hair slide.  The long triangular hair barrette measures 12 cms long by 2 cms at its widest point.  It has a nice long metal clip which shuts to a metal ball.  Dating from around the late 1950s and in very good condition this hairslide is ready to hold your vintage hairdo in place! 


Designer or Brand: Coiffure Elegant

Country of Origin: France

Condition: Very Good

Decade: 1950s

Era: Vintage ( 1920s - 1980s)

Type: Hair Slide, Hair Barrette, Hair Clip, Hair Accessory

Material: Early Plastic - Lucite

Colour: White Pearl with Gold

Pearly 1950s Hair Clip - Pearl Lucite with Golden Greek Key Design - French Vintage Hair Accessory
Pearly 1950s Hair Clip - Pearl Lucite with Golden Greek Key Design - French Vintage Hair Accessory Pearly 1950s Hair Clip - Pearl Lucite with Golden Greek Key Design - French Vintage Hair Accessory Pearly 1950s Hair Clip - Pearl Lucite with Golden Greek Key Design - French Vintage Hair Accessory Pearly 1950s Hair Clip - Pearl Lucite with Golden Greek Key Design - French Vintage Hair Accessory

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