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Early 20th Century Cellluloid Haircomb with Bullrushes Design (SOLD)

Here is an antique hair ornament dating from the early years of the 20th Century - circa 1910 - 15.  It is made from the early plastic celluloid and is intended to imitate tortoiseshell with its varied colours - from a deep honey to a rich brown.  The comb has a pierced design of foliate scrolls to the top with a wonderful central panel of Bullrushes.  This is certainly a great example of romantic Art Nouveau design.  The jewellers and artists working in the late Victorian era through to the First World War were influenced by the natural world - flowers, water, creatures etc.  You see many beautiful pieces of  antique jewellery where insects feature, especially dragonflys and they would be at home amongst the bullrushes on this fabulous antique hair comb!  In keeping with the Art Nouveau love of curves the haircomb is not flat but has a gentle curve to the top.  From the top of the comb to the tips of the prongs it measures approx 5 inches and it is a little over 2 and a half inches at its widest point.   This wonderful comb would be at home in a collection of Art Nouveau jewelry but would also look amazing in your hair!


Designer or Brand: No

Condition: Very Good - Excellent

Decade: 1910

Era: Antique ( 19th Century to 1910)

Type: Hair Comb

Material: Early Plastic - Celluloid

Early 20th Century Cellluloid Haircomb with Bullrushes Design (SOLD)
Early 20th Century Cellluloid Haircomb with Bullrushes Design (SOLD) Early 20th Century Cellluloid Haircomb with Bullrushes Design (SOLD) Early 20th Century Cellluloid Haircomb with Bullrushes Design (SOLD) Early 20th Century Cellluloid Haircomb with Bullrushes Design (SOLD)

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