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Carved Bakelite Pale Yellow Rose Brooch circa 1935 - 1940

This is a really nice bakelite rose, every petal and layer has been finely detailed.   This hand-carved Rose brooch is a good example of Bakelite jewelery from the 1930's and 1940's.   Originally this pin would have been a pale Cream colour with the Bakelite used to imitate Ivory or Bone.  Over the 60 plus years that this piece of jewellery has been around it has oxidised to a pale yellow amber colour - just the thing that Bakelite collectors look out for!   The rose is deep-carved and is approximately 2.5 cms in diameter and about 1.5cms thick at its biggest point.  It is in very good condition and has a brass pin and 'c' type fastener to the back which are screwed into the bakelite.  

Carved Bakelite Pale Yellow Rose Brooch circa 1935 - 1940
Carved Bakelite Pale Yellow Rose Brooch circa 1935 - 1940 Carved Bakelite Pale Yellow Rose Brooch circa 1935 - 1940 Carved Bakelite Pale Yellow Rose Brooch circa 1935 - 1940 Carved Bakelite Pale Yellow Rose Brooch circa 1935 - 1940

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