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Art Deco Hair Slide - Barette Hair Clip signed Auguste Bonaz - French 1930s - 1940s (SOLD)

Auguste Bonaz was an important French designer and manufacturer of plastic jewellery and hair ornaments in the Art Deco era.  Here we have a hair clip or Barette bearing the Auguste Bonaz signature.  This vintage hair slide is in the Art Deco Odean style and is delightful.  Made of Celluoid it has a grey brown colour to it and it has eighteen small marcasite-type jewels inset into it.  The metal clip closure is also marked with the words 'Depose Blackbird' which will be in relation to the brand which Auguste Bonaz made this clip for.  It is really different and is still robust enough to use.


Type: Hair Slide, Barette, Hair Clip, Hair Pin, Hair Accessory, Hair Ornament
Maker: August Bonaz
Place of Manufacture: France
Era: Art Deco
Decade: 1930 - 1940
Style: Odeon - Art Deco
Colour: Brown and Silver
Material: Celluloid and Marcasite effect jewels and Metal
Size ( Approximate)  4 inches  (10 cm ) by half an inch ( 1.25 cm)
Condition: Excellent

Art Deco Hair Slide - Barette Hair Clip signed Auguste Bonaz - French  1930s - 1940s  (SOLD)
Art Deco Hair Slide - Barette Hair Clip signed Auguste Bonaz - French  1930s - 1940s  (SOLD) Art Deco Hair Slide - Barette Hair Clip signed Auguste Bonaz - French  1930s - 1940s  (SOLD) Art Deco Hair Slide - Barette Hair Clip signed Auguste Bonaz - French  1930s - 1940s  (SOLD) Art Deco Hair Slide - Barette Hair Clip signed Auguste Bonaz - French  1930s - 1940s  (SOLD)

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