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Art Deco Hair Comb - Celluloid Faux tortoiseshell signed: Auguste Bonaz - French circa 1920 - 1930 (SOLD)

It is always good to find designer-signed hair accessories and this comb is a super example of one of the pieces by French designer Auguste Bonaz.  This is a very nice faux-tortoiseshell hair comb with a pierced scrolled decoration all around the top three sides.  It has a panel of golden brown mottled celluloid to the centre and this tapers nicely to meet the teeth or 'tines'.  There are four teeth which curve gently to hold the comb in place when in use.  This particular comb dates from around 1920 - 1930 and whilst the central shape lends itself to the new geometric Art Deco style the pierced and scrolled border is more in the Art Nouveau design so this is a Transitional piece.  Measuring 16 cms by 10 cms at its widest and longest points, the comb is offered in very good condition with just a few surface scratches which are indicative of its age. It would also be a super addition to a collection of early plastic and bakelite era jewelry and accessories or would appeal to anyone who collects the work of Auguste Bonaz.


Type: Hair comb, Hair pin, Hair Accessory, Hair Ornament
Maker: Auguste Bonaz
Place of Manufacture: France
Era: Roaring Twenties
Decade: 1920 - 1930
Style: Art Nouveau to Art Deco transitional
Colour: Brown and Amber ( to imitate tortoiseshell )
Material: Celluloid
Size ( Approximate) 6.5 inches  (16 cm ) by 4 inches ( 10 cm)
Condition: Very Good

Art Deco Hair Comb - Celluloid Faux tortoiseshell signed: Auguste Bonaz - French circa 1920 - 1930 (SOLD)
Art Deco Hair Comb - Celluloid Faux tortoiseshell signed: Auguste Bonaz - French circa 1920 - 1930 (SOLD) Art Deco Hair Comb - Celluloid Faux tortoiseshell signed: Auguste Bonaz - French circa 1920 - 1930 (SOLD) Art Deco Hair Comb - Celluloid Faux tortoiseshell signed: Auguste Bonaz - French circa 1920 - 1930 (SOLD) Art Deco Hair Comb - Celluloid Faux tortoiseshell signed: Auguste Bonaz - French circa 1920 - 1930 (SOLD)

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