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Antique Victorian Black French Jet Topped Hair comb

This is a neat, small haircomb from the Victorian era.  It is quite detailed to the top  but has just two tines or prongs made of natural horn for fixing.  The top of the comb is a stylised heart design. It is decorated with lots of lovely faceted 'French Jet' jewels on blackened Japanned metal.  Each tiny facet has been mounted onto a metal section which has been neatly joined to the comb.  French Jet is the name given to faceted black glass and was very popular in Victorian times where it was used to imitate Whitby Jet.  The large crinoline style frocks and the Victorian code of Mourning ensured that Jet was a jewel of choice throughout the mid to late Victorian era.  After the death of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria insisted that Jet was the only jewel worn at court.  The Victorian lifestyle , with its strict dress code, meant that women often spend long periods of many months in their mourning clothes, yet they would still desire to look elegant and fashionable. This comb is just that - an elegant and fashionable item from a bygone era.  It is robust enough to use and enjoy and historic and interesting enough to add to your collection of Antique jewelery or vintage costume jewellery and accessories. This accessory measures 4cms across the top and 12cms in length and the prongs are slightly curved to ensure they work well when holding your hair in place. It is in really good order andis a wearable antique hair comb. 


Designer or Brand: None

Country of Origin: UK

Condition: Excellent

Style: Antique, Mourning

Era: Victorian 19th Century

Type: Comb Hair Accessory

Material: natural horn, japanned metal, black glass - French Jet

Subject: Hair Adornment, Hairdressing, Hair Styling

Antique Victorian Black French Jet  Topped Hair comb
Antique Victorian Black French Jet  Topped Hair comb Antique Victorian Black French Jet  Topped Hair comb Antique Victorian Black French Jet  Topped Hair comb Antique Victorian Black French Jet  Topped Hair comb

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