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1940s Hat and Handbag Brooch "Make-do-and-mend”

1940's brooches were often hand-made as shortages of materials to manufacture jewellery led to innovative use of spare scraps of wool and fabric with re-purposing being the name of the game! Here is a sweet hand-made brooch from the World War Two period.  The brooch Is a neat little wide brimmed hat with ribbon suspended on which is a navy blue handbag with lace top. This vintage brooch is made from crochet stitches  in the patriotic colours of red white and blue. A simple metal safety pin is stitched to the reverse so the brooch can be pinned to a jacket, cardigan or frock. A one off hand-made brooch this is quite unique. The condition of the brooch is very good. The hat part of this brooch measures almost an inch and a half in diameter whilst the handbag is almost an an inch in either direction; from hat brim to handbag lower edge is almost 3 inches. 
1940s Hat and Handbag Brooch
1940s Hat and Handbag Brooch 1940s Hat and Handbag Brooch 1940s Hat and Handbag Brooch 1940s Hat and Handbag Brooch

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