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1940s Bright Red Buckle (Sold)

This bright red buckle is made of the Bakelite era plastic Casein which is derived from milk proteins. Casein was often used in the manufacture of buttons, buckles and jewellery from the 1930s onwards.  The buckle is bright, shiny and in excellent condition. It consists of two circles with an intricate pattern of rings and layers with a black central circle to each half. The buckle is joined together by a hook and loop and has a generous bar to each piece for accommodating the belt fabric . These aforementioned bars, hook and loop are attached to the early plastic material with tiny screws and all the metalwork has a silver-tone finish, most likely being chrome plated. This is a statement buckle, each circle half is a little over 2 inches in diameter. Perfect for a fabric or soft leather belt or very much at home in a collection of Art Deco period buckles. 
1940s Bright Red Buckle (Sold)
1940s Bright Red Buckle (Sold) 1940s Bright Red Buckle (Sold) 1940s Bright Red Buckle (Sold) 1940s Bright Red Buckle (Sold)

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